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Facebook Ads Bidding Strategies

Effective Facebook Ads Bidding Strategies: Maximizing ROI and Conversions

Welcome to the 4th edition of my series on Facebook ads. Today I want to talk about Facebook Ads bidding strategies. In the world of Facebook advertising, understanding and implementing effective bidding strategies can truly make a difference in the success of your campaigns. Bidding strategies determine how you allocate your budget, target your audience, and compete in ad auctions. By having a solid grasp of bidding strategies, advertisers can optimize their ad spend, increase campaign performance, and ultimately achieve their desired business objectives.

Understanding Facebook Ads Bidding

Before we explore the strategies that will help you outbid your competitors, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of how Facebook Ads bidding works. Facebook Ads (for auction based ads) uses an auction-based system, where advertisers bid for ad placements to reach their target audience. The winning ad is determined by a combination of bid amount, ad quality, and estimated action rates.

1. Manual Bidding vs. Automatic Bidding

In Facebook Advertising, manual bidding and automatic bidding are two different approaches to setting your bid strategy. Manual bidding allows advertisers to have full control over their bids by manually specifying the maximum amount they are willing to pay for each ad impression or desired action. This gives advertisers the flexibility to optimize bids based on their campaign goals, audience targeting, and performance data. On the other hand, automatic bidding leverages Facebook’s machine learning algorithms to automatically set bids based on the likelihood of achieving the desired outcomes within the specified budget. This approach takes into account various factors such as audience behavior, competition, and historical performance to optimize bids in real-time. Automatic bidding can save time and simplify bid management, especially for advertisers with limited resources or complex campaigns.

2. Highest Value

In the context of Facebook Advertising, highest value refers to the objective of maximizing the return on investment (ROI) or desired outcomes from an advertising campaign. When advertisers optimize their campaigns for the highest value, they focus on achieving the best possible results based on their specific goals. This could include maximizing conversions, increasing website traffic, generating leads, or any other desired action. Advertisers employ various strategies, such as effective targeting, compelling ad creatives, and optimization techniques, to ensure they reach and engage their most valuable audience segments. By prioritizing the highest value, advertisers aim to optimize their campaign’s performance and ultimately achieve their desired business outcomes.

3. Bid cap

In Facebook Advertising, a bid cap is a parameter that allows advertisers to set a maximum limit on the amount they are willing to pay for each ad impression or desired action. By using a bid cap, advertisers can control their costs and prevent bids from exceeding a certain threshold. This is particularly useful when advertisers have a specific budget constraint or want to ensure they don’t overspend on their campaigns. When setting a bid cap, advertisers should consider the competitiveness of their target audience, the value of the desired outcome, and the overall campaign performance. By strategically setting a bid cap, advertisers can maintain better control over their ad spend while still participating in auctions and reaching their target audience effectively.

4. Cost Cap Bidding

Cost cap bidding is a bidding strategy available in Facebook Advertising that allows advertisers to set a maximum cost per desired outcome or conversion. With cost cap bidding, advertisers specify the maximum amount they are willing to spend to achieve a specific outcome, such as a purchase or an app installation. Facebook’s machine learning algorithms then optimize the bids in real-time to deliver the desired outcome while keeping the average cost per outcome within the specified cost cap. This strategy is useful for advertisers who want to ensure cost efficiency while achieving their campaign goals. Cost cap bidding can help advertisers maximize the number of conversions or desired actions they obtain while maintaining cost control and staying within their budget constraints.

5. Minimum ROAS

Minimum ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) is a performance metric used in Facebook Advertising to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It represents the revenue or value generated for each dollar spent on ads. Advertisers can set a minimum ROAS as a target to determine the level of performance they expect from their campaigns. By specifying a minimum ROAS, advertisers ensure that their ad spend generates a sufficient return on investment. Facebook’s algorithm then optimizes the campaign’s bids and targeting to maximize the ROAS and deliver the desired outcome. This metric helps advertisers evaluate the profitability and effectiveness of their advertising efforts, enabling them to make informed decisions about campaign optimization and budget allocation.


Facebook Advertising offers advertisers a range of bid strategies and optimization techniques to achieve their campaign goals effectively. Manual bidding provides advertisers with full control over their bids, allowing for customization and optimization based on specific objectives and performance data. On the other hand, automatic bidding leverages Facebook’s machine learning algorithms to optimize bids in real-time, saving time and simplifying bid management. Advertisers can focus on achieving the highest value by maximizing their return on investment (ROI) and desired outcomes through effective targeting and compelling ad creatives. The use of bid caps helps advertisers control costs and prevent bids from exceeding a certain threshold, ensuring budget constraints are maintained. Cost cap bidding enables advertisers to set a maximum cost per desired outcome, optimizing bids while keeping costs within the specified limit. Minimum ROAS serves as a performance metric to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, allowing advertisers to evaluate profitability and make informed decisions. Overall, these strategies and metrics empower advertisers to optimize their Facebook Advertising campaigns and achieve their desired business outcomes efficiently.

Remember: Strategy and consistency are the keys to unlocking your Facebook Ads potential.


Performance goalAvailable bid strategiesBest for…Look out for…
Maximise number of results for your budgetAutomated biddingGetting the most volume of results possible and do not have strict CPA needsSpending your full budget is a high priorityAdvertisers who may not have a clear goal/KPI in mindHigher costs (e.g. CPM, CPA) than what you might tolerate
Maximise conversion valueHighest value (uses automated bidding)Spending your budget while focusing on higher value purchasesRequires a good distribution of values across different productsRequires pixel to pass back purchase values
Control the cost of your resultsCost capKeeping CPA at or below a certain amount regardless of market conditionsSpend may be slower than when using lowest cost; if you do not have strict CPA goals and care more about spending your budget, try lowest cost.The learning phase may take longer to exit than other bid strategies, during which time, costs may exceed your cap; however, delivery should stabilise after exiting learning.If you typically observe conversions over a much longer window than seven days post click, you may observe stronger fluctuation in spend and CPA, but performance should stabilise over time
Control your return on ad spend (ROAS)Minimum ROASBreaking even on your ad spend and reaching a certain return
More control over the purchase value that you generate from ads rather than highest value bidding
If Meta cannot reach your ROAS floor, then delivery may stop; does not aim to deliver your budget in fullIf you care more about spend than generating a specific ROAS, consider using highest value biddingRequires pixel to pass back purchase valuesRequires ability to calculate bids based on projected conversion rates and marginal cost
[Advanced] Manually cap how much Meta bids in auctionsBid capAdvertisers who use internal bidding or LTV models
Controlling how much Meta can bid in auctions
Does not control for the CPA that you see in reporting and requires more frequent bid changesRequires ability to calculate bids based on projected conversion rates and marginal cost
Source: Meta


Q: How can I determine the right bidding strategy for my campaign? A: Choosing the right bidding strategy depends on your campaign goals, budget, and target audience. It’s recommended to experiment with different strategies and monitor their performance to identify the most effective one for your specific needs.

Q: Can I change my bidding strategy mid-campaign? A: Yes, you can modify your bidding strategy during an ongoing campaign. However, it’s advisable to make changes cautiously and monitor their impact to ensure you don’t disrupt the campaign’s performance.

Q: Should I always aim for the lowest cost per conversion? A: While a low cost per conversion is desirable, it’s essential to consider the overall value and quality of the conversions. Sometimes, higher-cost conversions can lead to more significant long-term value for your business.