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Rise of email marketing for ecommerce in Pakistan | Kanza Akhwand

Ecommerce in Pakistan continues to grow at a steady pace. According to the sources, Revenue in the eCommerce market is projected to reach US$5,409m in 2021. Pakistan is one of the fastest growing markets for ecommerce.

What is Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the use of newsletters and emails to share updates on a service or a promotion. Email Marketing is one of the most effective and cost efficient ways of reaching your customers and increasing your reach. According to one research, email marketing generates $38 in ROI for every $1 spent. 

What email marketing services are being used by Pakistani websites?

I have been using email marketing to connect with customers for the last three years first with NPS and customer surveys then moving on to eselling and newsletter. I was curious to see what ESP was most popular amongst Pakistan ecommerce companies.

  I used wappalyzer’s amazing service to look up technologies being used by the most popular ecommerce websites, then I looked up what ESP was being used by websites with a Pakistani IP address so I could also look at the smaller players. As you can see from the chart below an overwhelming number of people are opting for Mailchimp over other services. Second is Google Workspace but the websites using Google Workspace are mostly third tier websites with an almost non existent web presence.

ESP used in Pakistan

So why Mailchimp instead of Klaviyo?

Klaviyo’s Growth

Mailchimp is the second most popular ESP used worldwide (after google workplace), its a name that’s almost synonymous with email marketing. Mailchimp has been around a lot longer. Klaviyo is made for ecommerce, Mailchimp is for email marketing.

Klaviyo’s UX is user friendly, Mailchimp has slight learning curve. Klaviyo has a very easy integration with your ecommerce platform with translates to easier segmentation, You can even segment customers based on specific products they looked at, what their predicted CLV will be. Klaviyo’s automation strategy is based on flows just like Mailchimp, there are already loads of precreated flows filtered by integration required amongst other things. Klaviyo wins here because they provide life tracking of your customers in case you need to fine tune your strategy.

In short Klaviyo is vastly superior to Mailchimp in so far as Ecommerce is concerned, Klaviyo is also much more expensive then Mailchimp. Side note if price is non negotiable for you, try Mautic now known as Acquia Campaign Studio it gives you everything that Mailchimp does and more. It’s user friendly, has predefined templates for landing pages and emails. A/B testing is a breeze. It also boasts a robust reporting module.

This article started because I was researching the best ESP for my job and it somehow became an article about how impressed I am with Klaviyo’s service. So why aren’t more ecommerce businesses using klaviyo ? Is it the price tag or is it because Mailchimp has been around for so long. If anyone knows any homegrown email service providers in Pakistan, drop me a line below and I’ll check it out.




Pakistan’s Ecommerce Growth

Read more about email marketing metrics here.

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