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Introducing Vlookup: Get Started on your Excel Journey | Kanza Akhwand

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more.

Everyone who uses Ms Excel or Google Sheets knows nothing is more important than learning how to use vlookup. If you have two data sets and you want to find values, most people use vlookup. I’ll explain basic vlookup then move on. So basically you have 4 values in vlookup, the lookup value, the table array ( aka the place you wanna look), column index number and the lookup range.


Lookup Value is always one cell only.

Table Array is a set of columns, depending on what and where you use it column and row values need to be locked by adding $ in front of the row and columns.

Lookup Range is binary either 1 or 0 or true or false. O or False means you will get an exact match, true or 1 means an approximate match. True or 1 is used for searching a range or an approximate match.

Vlookup has one limitation, it can only look up values if the column which has the lookup value is right-most in the table array.