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What is Conversion Rate Optimization? | Kanza Akhwand

   Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of increasing the percentage of users on your website who perform a specific task. This task can be anything from filling out a form to completing a purchase. Mostly though when people talk about CRO in ecommerce they are talking about finding a way to increase their sales. People want to sell, people want to buy so what’s stopping them. Figuring out the answer to this question is what CRO is all about.

   Lack of conversions is dependent on a number of factors which are dependent on your website so figuring out the solution isn’t exactly easy, but don’t be disheartened there are a few easy steps to figuring this out.

   One factor that I have seen almost universally is the fact that while most traffic comes from mobile phones, websites aren’t set up to be mobile friendly leading to long time lags when you place an order on the phone. Most of the phone users around us are using 2G and the people who do QA or website owners just have better net services. If your target audience has a hard time navigating your site, they will just give up and move towards your competition. 

   At this point in time where every niche market has at least two members competing against each other, it’s very important to differentiate yourself from your competition. What is your value proposition, what do you as a company bring to the table.

What you need for this is some good old fashion spying on your competition. Find the weak spots of your competition and use it to propel yourselves forward. Customers don’t just care about the lowest prices anymore they want value added services. For our parents’ generation the most important thing was saving money, for us what’s most important it’s quality of life. If I can pay someone to stand in line for me I will because my time is more important to me than the money.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimisation so important?

By 2023, 49% of all total advertising spent will be on digital advertising, Pakistan is expected to drop $440 million on digital advertising.

Optimising conversions could see ad agencies and companies lower their customer acquisition costs and optimise their campaigns to be more goal oriented. By optimizing your conversion rate you can increase revenue per visitor, acquire more customers, and grow your business. There is always room for improvement when it comes to increasing conversions, and the best companies are constantly iterating and improving their sites and apps to create a better experience for their users and grow conversions.


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